Corporate Contacts
We're happy to help put you in touch with the right team. Choose from the options below to get in touch!
Head office - General Inquiries
Kitchen Stuff Plus Head Office
1590 South Gateway Rd
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 0A8 : 416-944-2847
: 416-944-2768
Customer Service
If you have a customer service issue resulting from a store visit or online order, please contact the manager of that store directly . The store manager will work with you to resolve your issue. If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Service.
Careers and Job Inquiries
Please visit our career center for information and to apply for available positions.
Purchasing & Buying Team
To submit a line of products for consideration by our purchasing team, contact:
Media Inquiries
If you are a journalist, magazine prop stylist, or a radio or TV segment producer, contact:
Marketing Department
416-944-2847 x 121
Bulk or Business to Business Orders
Bulk Orders
Business to Business