Utensils – Kitchen Essentials – for all your cooking and baking needs.Utensils – Kitchen Essentials – for all your cooking and baking needs. for mobile
Shop Basting BrushesShop Basting Brushes for mobile
Shop WhisksShop Whisks for mobile
Shop Skimmers & Slotted SpoonsShop Skimmers & Slotted Spoons for mobile
Shop Specialty UtensilsShop Specialty Utensils for mobile

Shop Our Amazing Collections

With our extensive knowledge of utensils and gadgets, we bring you these collections of good quality every day essentials, priced right for all your kitchen needs.

Shop Ice CollectionShop Ice Collection for mobile
KitchenAid Collection

KitchenAid offers incredible kitchen utensils that combine functionality with stunning design. KitchenAid utensils bring both style and precision to your kitchen.


Shop Chroma CollectionShop Chroma Collection for mobile
eKu Collection

eKu Kitchen transforms waste into beautiful, functional kitchen tools. These sustainable products combine innovation with eco-conscious design, reshaping the future of cooking..


Shop Colour Splash CollectionShop Colour Splash Collection for mobile
Colour Splash Collection

Add a splash of colour to your kitchen with this easy-to-clean BPA-free silicone collection. 


Shop Flex Edge Nylon CollectionShop Flex Edge Nylon Collection for mobile
OXO Collection

At OXO, they look at everyday objects and activities and we see ways to make things simpler, easier, more thoughtfully designed–better.


Shop Venturi CollectionShop Venturi Collection for mobile
Venturi Collection

The seamless stainless steel construction of our Venturi Collection creates a sleek look, while the hollow handles keeps them lightweight and well balanced.


Shop Utensil SetsShop Utensil Sets for mobile
Utensil Sets

A quick and easy way to outfit a new kitchen, or start a collection, and keep your budget in check.


Shop Favourite Utensil Brands

Shop ZWILLING UtensilsShop ZWILLING Utensils for mobile
Shop OXO Good Grips UtensilsShop OXO Good Grips Utensils for mobile
Shop Henckels UtensilsShop Henckels Utensils for mobile
Shop Starfrit UtensilsShop Starfrit Utensils for mobile
Shop KitchenAid UtensilsShop KitchenAid Utensils for mobile
Shop Joseph Joseph UtensilsShop Joseph Joseph Utensils for mobile
Shop Kitchen Stuff Plus Exclusive UtensilsShop Kitchen Stuff Plus Exclusive Utensils for mobile
Shop Task UtensilsShop Task Utensils for mobile


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